I Use My Bible

Originally posted Feruary 16, 2017. Edited and reposted August 7, 2019.

When I got my first iPhone… 

I’m pretty sure that the first app I downloaded was the Bible app. It might sound cheesy, but I was pretty excited about it. It would be right there at my fingertips and much easier to become part of my everyday routine. It had reading plans, devotionals, a place to take notes, a cool highlighter feature, and even defines those crazy Bible words that no one can pronounce or knows the meaning of (nethinims, ouches?). I placed it right on the home screen, smack dab in the middle because, I was going to crush this Bible reading thing!…or at least that’s what I thought.

I have to say, I started out pretty well. I read it fairly often, maybe not everyday, but definitely more than I had before. After a while though, I began reading it less and less, spending more time on the apps that surrounded it, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, my Stockpile app, the news, or games, instead of it. The app never moved. It stayed right there on my home screen, smack dab in the middle. My reason for it being there however, changed without me even knowing it. In fact, I didn’t even realize it until just recently. Let me explain.

You see, I’m somewhat OCD when it comes to the placement of my apps. So not long ago I decided I was going to rearrange my apps to make them more easily accessible. I put some in groups together like music apps, games, tv apps, or sports apps. The ones, that I use most frequently, get upgraded to the front page and then organized by usage from there- hence why Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are right at the top, because I spend way too much time on them. This is also, as I said, why I had originally put my Bible app front and center. But now, as I was considering the best way to arrange them, I realized that if I was being completely honest with myself, I couldn’t remember the last time I had opened the Bible app. I began to wonder why, if I never used it anymore, and I evaluate the placement of my apps often (OCD coming out here, remember), then why had I left it there so long? That’s when it hit me with well, the weight of The Bible.

I was “using” my Bible app.

For quite some time, I had subconsciously left the app front and center because I wanted it to be noticed. I wanted anyone who might look at my phone, including myself, to see it. I used it as a status symbol. A small way of saying, I’m just a little bit better than you because I read my Bible every day. It wasn’t an intentional action, or something that I had set out to do but deep down I liked the idea of someone thinking that I was smarter, or a better Christian than they were, even if that someone was me. You see, it wasn’t just about others seeing the app and thinking those things, it was also about me seeing it and thinking those things about myself. Making me feel better about myself. Tricking myself into thinking I was better, smarter, or more Christian than I knew I truly was. 

I think we all do this in some way and in varying degrees. We eat at Chick-fil-a, shop at Christian clothing stores, don’t shop at other stores for whatever the reason of the day is, wear a cross necklace, put Christian stickers on our car, post pictures of a cross or Jesus or a Bible verse on social media. I’m not saying any or all of these things are bad. I do, and have done pretty much all of them- and I’m pretty sure (and hoping) Chick-fil-a will be served in heaven! All I’m saying is we (me) need to be mindful of our intentions for doing something. Are we doing them because we want to share the love of Christ and want to have a stronger relationship with Him- or because we just like Chick-fil-a- or are we doing them for selfish reasons that make us feel better?

Our culture constantly tells us we have to do certain things, say certain things, wear certain clothes, believe certain ideals to be cool or accepted, even Christian culture isn’t immune to it. We get so caught up in “it,” whatever the “it” currently is, that we end up doing things for the wrong reasons, or not doing what we had intended to at all because we’ve filled our lives with so much other stuff. 

Life is kind of like my phone. 

When I first got my phone I had set out with good intentions of reading The Bible more, but I also placed a lot of “stuff” around it. Facebook, Twitter, news, games, sports, stocks, all distracted me from my original goal. Slowly but surly the stuff won out. I became more concerned with seeing my notifications, the Baseball game score, or what tweets I had rather than taking the 10 or 15 minutes to read The Bible. I still left the app there though, because I wanted the image of being a “good Christian,” both externally and internally. 

In our lives, we say we’re going to put Christ first in our lives. For awhile- maybe right after making that commitment, or at the beginning of the week after Sunday, or after coming back from Church retreat filled with a renewed sense of God’s direction in our life- we live conscious of putting Christ first in our lives and daily routines. After a while though, the stuff begins to creep in. Social media, friends, activities, work, school, family, stress, busieness all flood into our lives and pull our attention and focus away from Christ and our intent to grow closer to Him and put Him first- just as with the apps on my phone. 

It’s almost comical. I took the holiest book on Earth, the words of God Himself, and put it right in the middle of all that crap. As a human, it’s almost impossible to not be distracted by everything else, it’s in our nature as flawed beings. As a follower of Christ though, I and you are called to defy our human nature… but well, that’s just not in our nature either. So then how do we change it?

To be honest, I don’t really have a good answer. I know we can’t do it alone. We need God and we need each other. For me, writing this post and realizing what I had been doing in the first place was a big part of it. Another thing that I found to help is a group that a friend at my church, Stephen Jones (who if you don’t follow, you should!) started, Grab5. It was once a month for one week. He picked a one week daily reading plan from the Bible app, then everyone read the same thing everyday, and left comments with your thoughts on the group Facebook page. Now, I have to be honest here again… I wasn’t the most consistent on actually reading it, and I was even less consistent with the commenting part… but it was a start and I intend on getting better. I think that knowing other people are doing the plan with you, and being able to see and read their reactions to what they read helps a lot. I’d definitely encourage you to find a group of people, even if it’s just one or two other people, and pick a reading plan or a book of the Bible. Then, talk about what you read and keep each other accountable. I think you’ll find it extremely helpful. 

I want to finish with one final thought. As I thought more about what I said about having the Bible in the middle of all the stuff and crap on our phones, I realized something. It’s right where it’s meant to be. It’s right where it should be. It’s right where it needs to be. If you look at the life of Jesus throughout the Bible, every time He meets someone, He meets them right where they are. He doesn’t seek out the people who have it all together(although, who really does?). He gets right down in the middle of all their stuff and crap and says “follow Me.” That’s what the Bible is all about, and that’s what the Bible app -and ultimately Christ- has the ability to do for us. It’s right there, in the middle of all our stuff. His words are just waiting to be opened, saying “follow Me.” All we have to do is say “ok!”

Well, those are my remARCs. I hope they in some way, big or small, might have resonated with you. Whether it made you laugh, cry (I hope not too much), smile, or maybe think about life from a different perspective, I hope you take something away from this article that makes your day even the slightest bit better. I’d love to hear your remARCs as well. Feel free to send me an email at myremarcs@comcast.com, or leave a comment on the My RemARCs Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages… unless you hated it. In which case, why are you even still reading this? Hope to see you back here soon. Until then, be well and live remARCably.

Why I Don’t Boycott

Originally posted March 8, 2017. Edited and reposted August 7, 2019.

There’s been a lot going around on social media lately regarding boycotting some certain upcoming movies. I want to take just a couple minutes to explain why I personally don’t boycott movies and the problems with doing so.

Why do we boycott things? 

A boycott generally starts with someone, or a company, doing something we don’t like or agree with. In turn, we boycott that store, product, movie, book, or company. 

Now, let me be clear, some boycotts are worthy, and are an effective use of the power of patronage to show that certain actions or policies won’t be tolerated- i.e. The Boston Tea Party, and lunch counter sit-ins and boycotts during the Civil Rights Movement. The problem, however, with boycotts of books, movies, or public speakers is in these cases, we are forced to take someone else’s word for the reason why we’re boycotting. We read an article, or listen to an interview where they tell us their opinion of everything that’s wrong with the movie or book, or why we shouldn’t listen to certain speakers or musicians. The problem though, is just that- it’s their opinion, not yours.

It reminds me of something I’ve heard a popular opinion journalist say often, “ Don’t take my word for it. Do your Homework. Find out for yourself.” 

We often tend to only read or listen to points of view that we agree with. We put ourselves in a box. We never challenge what we believe. By taking someone else’s opinion, even someone we trust, on why we shouldn’t read, watch, or listen to someone or something, we are instantly denied the ability and right to form our own opinions. This can be a dangerous thing when taken to the extreme. If you look at all of the most powerful dictators, tyrants, and theocracies throughout history, and even now- Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Un, Assad, Iran, China, Venezuela, etc.- the first thing they all do is control what information people are allowed to consume by controlling what they watch, listen to, and read. Why? Because “knowledge is power!”

Yeah, I know that’s cliché, but it’s true. 

Without engaging with information for ourselves, even information we may not agree with, we can’t form our own opinions. We close the door for discussion, and without discussions we can’t understand each other’s point of view, and without understanding each other we quickly grow stagnant, bitter, and contempt for the other side. We even begin to fear the “other” opinion. And as Yoda says…

“Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”

We see this a lot in America right now. We hear each other, but we’re not listening to each other. We’re not listening to understand, we’re listening to respond. Or maybe, we’re just not listening at all. Thus we begin to fear the views of others. Take a look at the college campuses for example. They protest and riot when a speaker comes on campus before they even have the chance to listen to the person’s opinion. All they know is that they’re from the other side… so they must be wrong… or even worse, a racist and a bigot.

We have to get past this. Both individually and as a country. We’re not going to get anywhere until we start listening to each other, until we start understanding each other, and stop fearing each other. To do that though, it takes a bit of uncomfort. Watching, reading, and listening to things we don’t always agree with. Looking at things from a different angle, or in a way we’ve never thought of before. Having the difficult conversations, but with respect and understanding. It doesn’t mean that you or I are going to change our opinions or beliefs, but in the end, we’ll have a better and deeper understanding of why we believe what we do, and don’t believe what we don’t.

So I encourage you. Go see that movie you were going to boycott. Read that book by the person you vehemently disagree with. Most importantly though, have a conversation with that person with whom you’ve always had different opinions. You might just find out that you have more in common than you thought… or not, and that’s okay too… but you won’t know until you talk to them.

Well, those are my remARCs. I hope they in some way, big or small, might have resonated with you. Whether it made you laugh, cry (I hope not too much), smile, or maybe think about life from a different perspective, I hope you take something away from this article that makes your day even the slightest bit better. I’d love to hear your remARCs as well. Feel free to send me an email at myremarcs@comcast.com, or leave a comment on the My RemARCs Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages… unless you hated it. In which case, why are you even still reading this? Hope to see you back here soon. Until then, be well and live remARCably.

Speechless: Changing Perspectives Through Humor

Originally posted April 4, 2017. Edited and reposted August 7, 2019.

There’s a new show on TV that’s changing the way people view disability without even saying a word. 

ABC’s new show on Wednesday nights, Speechless, has quickly become one of my favorite shows. While it’s incredibly funny in a way that today’s comedies seem to have moved away from, so often going for the easy, predictable jokes instead taking the time to set up unexpected and intriguing situations that naturally provide real humor. It’s not just that it’s funny that makes the show so good. It’s where the humor allows the cast, writers, and producers to take us that’s the real key to this show. If you don’t know what Speechless is about, let me give you a quick rundown.

The DiMeo’s are an everyday family with all the dynamics that any family can relate to. 

The only thing that makes these 5 any different from other families in their new neighborhood and school (besides being slightly odd, but really, who isn’t?) is that their oldest son, JJ, has Cerebral Palsy (played by Micah Fowler, who has CP himself). He uses a power wheelchair, and because he’s nonverbal, uses a word and letter board, with a laser pointer attached to his glasses to communicate (which, on a side note really makes you understand the value of words). Until just after we meet the DiMeo’s, Maya, JJ’s mom (played by Minnie Driver), is his main “voice” and overprotective advocate… she is a force to be reckoned with, and one of the reasons they’ve moved multiple times. It’s not really her fault, though. She just wants JJ to be treated like everyone else… or slightly better than everyone else. 

Jimmy (played by John Ross Bowie) is the easygoing dad who doesn’t need a “best dad” coffee mug, or the perfect (or anything remotely near that) lawn to consider himself a good dad. It’s the little things like, “salvaging” people’s old furniture from the sidewalk with his rule following and slightly OCD middle son Ray (Mason Cook). Or partnering with his competitive, track running, must win daughter Dylan (Kyla Kenedy), to figure out this years must have Christmas toy, buy a bunch of them early, and sell them for double the price to all those “child pleasing suckers.” Or heading out on a road trip adventure with JJ and the rest of the family so JJ can find his long lost summer camp crush. These are the things that make him the best dad on the block. 

I’ve saved one of my favorite characters for last, though. On JJ’s first day at his new school, through a series of unfortunate events (oops! Wrong show!), he meets the school custodian, Kenneth (played by Cedric Yarbrough). Though Kenneth and Maya don’t initially start things off on the best terms, he and JJ seem to hit it off and have a connection. After the school principal informed JJ and Maya that they didn’t have an aide available for JJ, and some persuading by JJ, Kenneth becomes his aide and new “voice.” The dynamic between Kenneth and JJ is one of the best aspects of the show. Sure, they’re different on the outside, the nerdy white kid meets the smooth talking, cool black guy, but that doesn’t matter. He treats JJ like everyone else, like just one of the guys. He helps give JJ a new sense of normalcy and independence, and that’s a big deal for someone who has been different their whole life. That’s where we get to what really makes this show so good, in my opinion. It’s like I said earlier, it’s not just that Speechless is funny that makes it so good. It’s what the humor allows us to see and feel that makes it great.

Humor is a funny thing. 

See what I did there? 

Humor has a way of getting us to let our guard down. To become somewhat vulnerable, and maybe, see things in a different way. It takes what often pains us the most and somehow diffuses it by allowing us to laugh at it. This is where I think Speechless has hit gold.

It’s hard for people who don’t have a disability to truly understand what someone who lives with a disease and disability has to go through on a daily basis. 

Only someone who also has a disability can truly understand. Which, in fact is a rather large portion of our society. I can relate to it pretty easily, though. I have a similar disease to the one JJ has. I have SMA, or Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The main difference between SMA and CP is that while CP effects the signal going from the brain to muscle, SMA effects the gene that is responsible for muscle growth and strength. Neither one effects cognition or mental ability. I’ve used a power wheelchair, much like JJ’s, since I was two, and had an aide, who became like family, all through school. Each episode I watch of Speechless I can find a situation that JJ and his family experience, that I and my family can relate to. From a building not having a ramp and having to use the back entrance, to someone moving you and your wheelchair for you (and you definitely didn’t give them permission) like you’re an object in their way. Or from just wanting to go to a “real party” but you always have to have one of those nagging adults around, to wanting to go on a date with a girl you like, but again, always having to have an adult or someone else around to help you. Even just something small, that most people really do with the best of intentions, but dear Lord please stop, like asking, “hey, you got a license for that thing?”, referring to my wheelchair. I’m telling you, if I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me, I would be more rich than Jeff Bezos. It’s things like these that Speechless illustrates on a weekly basis with both wit and genuine feeling.

While it’s really nice for me to be able to watch and laugh at some of these situations, which often are the things that frustrate me and others with diseases like SMA and CP the most. It’s even more gratifying to know that the rest of the country, or at least those who watch the show, are being reminded that people who have disabilities (I use that word reluctantly because I hate it!) are just people too. It’s giving them a glimpse, however small, into what we go through on a daily basis. That we have hopes and dreams, wants and desires, feelings and friendships, ideas and goals just like everyone else. For some reason, that’s often forgotten by people… or sometimes, not forgotten, but just never even thought of.

Speechless is opening the door for people to look at people with “disabilities” in a new way… a new “normal” way. 

The best part is, it’s doing through humor, because, what is “normal” anyway? None of us are really normal. We all have our own disabilities. Our things that make us different and unique from anyone else in the world. It’s what makes our world so great. Sure, sometimes it makes it harder, or more uncomfortable, or brings out the worst in us, dividing us even further. If we can take a lesson from Speechless, though, and learn to laugh a little bit more at our differences, I think we’d find our world a much better and more accepting place.

So if you’re home on a Wednesday night, looking for something to watch, and you want a good laugh, and maybe a little insight as well, check out Speechless. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

Current Update: After it’s third season, Speechless has unfortunately been cancelled by ABC. It’s really disappointing to see a show that represents such a large portion of our society, but is vastly underrepresented in television and film, get canceled. Speechless was one of, if not the only, show that represents what those who have a disability go through on a daily basis, and much less actually uses a disabled actor to do so. Now, I’m not saying that the only reason Speechless should be renewed is because it’s about a person who has a disability and his family. I’m not and it shouldn’t. That is just as detrimental as the lack of representation. It should be renewed (or picked up by Netflix or Hulu) because it’s funny, thought provoking, and touching. In a time when we have so much crap on screens that get consistently renewed, Speechless stands out as a show that the entire family can watch and be left with a good feeling and a message of hope and acceptance… and a good laugh as well. So, If you haven’t watched Speechless, take half an hour or an hour and watch and episode or two. If you like what you see, or you’re already a fan, take a few seconds and sign the petition below to help get Speechless renewed. 


Well, those are my remARCs. I hope they in some way, big or small, might have resonated with you. Whether it made you laugh, cry (I hope not too much), smile, or maybe think about life from a different perspective, I hope you take something away from this article that makes your day even the slightest bit better. I’d love to hear your remARCs as well. Feel free to send me an email at myremarcs@comcast.com, or leave a comment on the My RemARCs Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages… unless you hated it. In which case, why are you even still reading this? Hope to see you back here soon. Until then, be well and live remARCably.

Five Came Back: A Must See Netflix Documentary 

Originally posted May 6, 2017. Edited and reposted August 7, 2019.

In the years leading up to America’s involvement in WWII, the American people and government were largely indifferent and opposed to getting involved in “Europe’s War.” Yes, we supported the Allies politically and by sending supplies, but as for getting militarily involved we wanted little to do with the war. After Pearl Harbor though, America could no longer sit on the sidelines and declared war on Japan. Three days later Germany declared war on the United States. We were officially a country and world at war. But how would that war be viewed and remembered, both during the war and in the years and decades after it?

Five Came Back is that story.

It’s the story of five of classic Hollywood’s most influential directors- John Ford, Frank Capra, William Wyler, George Stevens, and John Houston- told by five of today’s most influential directors- Stephen Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola, Guillermo Del Toro, Paul Greengrass, and Lawrence Kasdan. At the height of their career, these five WWII era directors, left the Hollywood backlots, their families, and safety to document and inform the American people and soldiers on every aspect of the war that we were now engaged in. 

Unlike today, there was no 24 hour news cycle. So, it was a bit more difficult to keep up with what was going on in the country, much less across an ocean. However, the average American went to the movie theater 2-3 times a week, if not more. Here is also where many Americans also received much of their news, coming in the form of short 15-30 minute news reels shown before the film they were seeing. It didn’t take long for the United States government and military to realize the need for both informative, yet well produced films to keep the support of the American people, and for films to help train the much needed soldiers. Naturally, theaters were the perfect place to show these films and reach the majority of the American people. Luckily, John Ford was already thinking the same thing. This would be the beginning of the journey for these five directors, from Hollywood backlots to the frontlines, that would change their lives and history forever.

Hearing and watching this story unfold, of some of my favorite classic directors (my top two being John Ford and Frank Capra) told, and put into perspective by some of my favorite modern directors is for lack of a better phrase, pretty cool. The effect their work had during the war, not only played a major role in an Allied victory, but also shaped the way they would make movies post-war. Many of my personal favorite movies might have never been made, or at least made the same way, had these directors not had the experiences they did during the war. Movies like It’s A Wonderful Life, The Searchers, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, The Fighting Seabees, and many more were all shaped by the changes and experiences these directors had during the war. William Wyler, for example, who before the war mostly made comedies, could now no longer write them or find satisfaction in making them. When you watch this documentary, it allows us to watch and appreciate these movies in a completely new way. You now have the context of the directors mindset, and personal struggles of a veteran who has seen horrific violence, to put into perspective the message intended. Even though the memories and experiences of the war were painful and haunting, the directors intuitively knew the ability their films had to, not only entertain, but to impact and change people’s opinions. This played out not only in the movies they made after the war, but also on the message of the film reels they made during the war to send home.

When it came to the film’s messages, the directors were often at odds with both Washington and the military. The government often wanted to show all Germans as the enemy, but as we see in this documentary, the directors fought to show that it was the Nazis who they were fighting, not all Germans. In the case of Japan though, it was a different story. The previous prejudices only increased by the anger after Pearl Harbor. This lead to the Japanese people being largely vilified and cartoonized by both the government and the directors. Japanese Americans were unfairly treated and attacked as the enemy, or at the very least sympathetic to the enemy. The unfortunate effect of this we saw manifested in the Japanese American “relocation camps” that were created throughout the country. Conditions in these camps were horrible. Besides being denied their rights as Americans, inadequate housing and living conditions, sickness, not enough food, and the mental and emotional toll taken due to these prisons were atrocities antithetical to American values. Their effects lasted for decades after the war as the U.S. government was reluctant to admit its wrongdoings and failure. 

Washington and the directors continued to be at odds about how much of the war they should show to American public. The directors felt Americans needed to see the effects of war. Both in the atrocities that were being committed by the enemy, as well as the missions and violence our soldiers endured to secure victories. The government often tried to edit the films, claiming they were too violent, and that the American people didn’t want or need to see that. The directors disagreed. The fight these directors fought to make sure the American people could see the truth paved the way for today’s media, and our ability to consume news. They knew that before we could move forward we must all be able to understand why we were fighting, and the cost of freedom and victory that came with it.

If you love movies and history you’ll find this documentary especially captivating and enjoyable, but even if history or classic films aren’t your thing I would highly recommend Five Came Back. The story of these five men will change the way you watch their films, and change the way you watch the films by the modern directors who have been influenced by them. It reveals how they fought to show the truth, and how they sometimes fell into highlighting divisiveness. They put their lives at risk to show every aspect of the war. From beginning to end, and even the effect the war had on soldiers once they were home. The effect it had on these five men, directors, and soldiers we can see not just in the news reels they made, but now, thanks to this documentary, in the films that will live on for generations to come.

Well, those are my remARCs. I hope they in some way, big or small, might have resonated with you. Whether it made you laugh, cry (I hope not too much), smile, or maybe think about life from a different perspective, I hope you take something away from this article that makes your day even the slightest bit better. I’d love to hear your remARCs as well. Feel free to send me an email at myremarcs@comcast.com, or leave a comment on the My RemARCs Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages… unless you hated it. In which case, why are you even still reading this? Hope to see you back here soon. Until then, be well and live remARCably.

A Story About Charles Krauthammer

Originally posted to Facebook by Andrew Creighton, June 22, 2018. Edited and reposted August 7, 2019.

On June 21, 2018 Charles Krauthammer died. 

I’m really going to miss hearing and reading Charles Krauthammer’s views on current events, politics, life, and baseball… even though he’s a Nationals fan. If you don’t know who he is or you’ve never read any of his articles or his book, you need to. You might not agree with his politics or views on history, space, time, or life itself but I can guarantee you, no matter your views you will be challenged to think, dig deeper, examine and re-examine, no doubt will come away at the very least a little (more likely a lot) smarter. 

That said, I have one story about Dr. Krauthammer I think should be shared because, even though I didn’t know him personally, I was fortunate enough to have one small encounter with him via email. It had nothing to do with politics but I think rather, it tells quite a lot about who Charles Krauthammer the man really was. 

One day, I sent Dr. Krauthammer an email. 

I told him how much I enjoyed listening to him on Bret Baier’s show on Fox News and reading his weekly articles. I explained that I too used a wheelchair and it was encouraging to see how he didn’t let his disability define him or keep him from achieving his goals and doing what he loved. Also, since he was a Washington Nationals fan and I was going to a Braves vs Nat’s game in DC, I asked if he had a suggestion on where to eat and what the best seats for a wheelchair user were. I have to admit that I secretly hoped he might be attending that game as well so I could maybe have the chance meet him. Honestly, I had no real expectation that I would ever get a response. A few days later though, I got a response, and not a response from an aide or a secretary, but a response from Dr. Krauthammer himself. 

He began by (unnecessarily) thanking me for watching and reading. He told me that unfortunately he wouldn’t be able to be at that game due to work, but recommend the milkshakes at Shake Shack. Then he did something even more unexpected than just simply getting a response. He explained that he had half season tickets to Nationals home games, and since he wasn’t able to attend that game, that he would like to see if it was possible for me to use his seats at no cost to me! 

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Having since heard more stories and learned more about him from those who knew him personally, I shouldn’t have been. That is the kind of man he was. Kind and selfless.

He gave me the contact information for his assistant and said she would get in touch with me after talking with Nationals Park. To make a long story short, it unfortunately didn’t end up working out, on the Nationals side or my side, as I ended up not being able to make it up to DC for the game anyway. That’s not the point though. The point is that, here’s a man who probably got thousands of emails a day, who could literally shift policy and politics when he spoke or with what he wrote, and he took the time to read, respond, and go beyond what I’d hoped to try and help me… someone he knew nothing about other than I was a fan of him and a fan of baseball. 

So, while yes, his death will leave an insurmountable void in political debate and journalism, I think the real tragedy is the unmeasurable amount of kindness that is lost as well. A kindness I was lucky enough to experience first hand. A kindness that I will try to carry forward in his honor. If we could all carry forward just a fraction of the amount of kindness that Dr. Krauthammer had I believe, no,  I know this world would be a far better place.

Well, those are my remARCs. I hope they in some way, big or small, might have resonated with you. Whether it made you laugh, cry (I hope not too much), smile, or maybe think about life from a different perspective, I hope you take something away from this article that makes your day even the slightest bit better. I’d love to hear your remARCs as well. Feel free to send me an email at myremarcs@comcast.com, or leave a comment on the My RemARCs Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages… unless you hated it. In which case, why are you even still reading this? Hope to see you back here soon. Until then, be well and live remARCably.